Christmas trees & decorative greenery
Our team consists of 6-8 people who specialise in the production of Christmas trees and decorative greenery. Christmas trees and decorative greenery is a niche production that requires specialists to produce uniform, high-quality Christmas trees and ensure the shortest route from felling to staging, so that customers are presented with a fresh, beautiful and highly saleable Christmas tree.

Modern technology
We follow the tree from GPS planting to shipping and know the high quality of the tree in every respect, while ensuring optimal operation in relation to the environment!

New vintages of Christmas trees
Our ambition is to expand the business and plant new Christmas trees so that in a few years we will be among the 10 largest producers and exporters in the Danish market selling Christmas trees and decorative greenery.
Our goal is to be a top 10 manufacturer in Denmark.
From the ground to the Christmas tree sale
The Christmas trees are produced according to gentle principles. We use some of the best machines that ensure minimal use of chemicals. Guards are fitted to the machines to ensure that the chemicals only hit the weeds under the trees.
We usually start felling the trees in the first week of November. Contracts are signed in advance with customers, who in turn make arrangements with transport companies so that the trees can be shipped immediately after they have been netted and loaded onto pallets, making the process as short as possible. This means a short distance from felling until the tree is ready for sale in all its freshness and beautiful appearance.
Fresh Christmas trees
During the season, we have a team of 20-25 people working 16 hours a day to ensure you have the shortest route from felling to the staging area.
We’re always available throughout the year, so we’re easy to reach.

State-of-the-art technology
Another way to promote nature conservation is to take advantage of available technological advances.
Here it is possible to produce precisely and efficiently with machines customised for Christmas trees, so we work with recognised Danish machine manufacturers who specialise in machines for Christmas tree production, and we participate in new innovations that further promote gentle and efficient processing of Christmas trees.
The Christmas tree machines used ensure that everything from soil preparation equipment, planters, fertiliser equipment and sprayers are optimised and manufactured to minimise waste and drift and enable the use of, e.g. GPS. This is the intelligent use of modern technology in the service of nature and the environment!
New vintages of Christmas trees
Once the many trees have been harvested, netted, packed and shipped, we have room for new trees. These are planted in unified fields to match each other in age and appearance. Our ambition is to expand and grow the business, plant new trees and export Christmas trees to become one of the largest in the Danish market – TOP 10 producer.
We have gone against the tide in recent years and invested millions in new Christmas tree plantations, while at the same time many producers have ceased or are winding down production. In the coming years, we will continue to invest millions in Christmas tree planting, as we strongly believe in the industry that has optimal conditions in Denmark, where the climate is well suited for Christmas trees.
The size of our Christmas trees
We sell all standard sizes and the trees are delivered in fine mesh nets on standard pallets measuring 260x120x240 cm.
If you as a customer have other wishes, we will of course endeavour to fulfil them.
80-100 cm, packed with approx. 250 Nordmann firs per pallet.
100-125 cm, packed with approx. 200 Nordmann firs per pallet.
125-175 cm, packed with approx. 125 Nordmann firs per pallet.
175-200 cm, packed with approx. 80 Nordmann firs per pallet.
200-250 cm, packed with approx. 60 Nordmann firs per pallet.

Production and sales:
Hou Skovvej 15
DK – 9550 Mariager
+45 88 53 54 20
[email protected]
Head office and administration:
Århusvej 109
DK – 8960 Randers SØ
+45 88 53 54 20
[email protected]