Our Christmas trees are Nordmann firs grown on large areas near Denmark’s most beautiful fjord, Mariager Fjord. The area is particularly suitable for Christmas trees, as the warm air currents from the fjord over the cultivation areas in winter ensure an optimal climate for the trees and prevent frost damage. The areas are located in a beautiful and hilly landscape, largely sheltered and surrounded by windbreaks and forests that provide wind protection for the Christmas trees.

The Christmas tree are laid out as efficiently as possible to optimise growing conditions and make operations smooth and efficient – surrounded by windbreaks, with a diverse selection of tree species that protect the area’s nature and lush fauna. The best professional expertise on the Danish market has been used to ensure an optimal culture that provides the best growing conditions for Christmas trees.

The provenances are recognised and are among the absolute best available on the Danish market. All seeds are purchased from recognised suppliers with a guarantee of origin, quality, certificate, etc., and the plants we buy are of the best provenances purchased from the largest Danish nurseries with proof of origin. Before planting, the soil is treated with all the necessary minerals and lime to ensure that the plants thrive from the time of planting under optimal conditions.

The trees are carefully inspected many times a year and all Christmas trees are pruned and shaped by hand from the age of five onwards to maintain the optimal shape of the tree.


The Nordmann fir is the most popular Christmas tree in Europe. The tree originally came from the forests of Georgia and Turkey.

A large proportion of the trees grown in Europe are produced from imported seeds of a standard quality. In Denmark, the highest quality seeds are harvested in selected areas and shipped in sealed bags to ensure the unique quality.


The trees are usually transplanted from the nursery to the culture when they are 3 to 4 years old. After that, it takes another 6 to 10 years to produce good Christmas trees.

The superior Danish climate

Although Nordmann firs are robust, they thrive best in areas where the climate is mild all year round. The Danish coastal climate is therefore ideal. Under good growing conditions, the trees develop their rich, dark green and very attractive soft needles, giving customers beautiful uniform trees with dark green needles.

Production and sales:
Hou Skovvej 15
DK – 9550 Mariager
+45 88 53 54 02
[email protected]

Head office and administration:
Århusvej 109
DK – 8960 Randers SØ
+45 88 53 54 02
[email protected]